Tuesday, 23 June 2015

How to make a Crop Top in some minutes

Heyeeeyaaa, My beutiful Diva's :) :*

Nowadays, the most trendy cloth is a
but being into so much trend, its expensive also. & the cheap ones are so common that every second girl is wearing it... But we diva's always wants to look unique and Fashionista from others.
So, here are some easy steps i'm going to tell you to how to make a CROP TOP of your own in some minutes.... 
Yess, you heard it right... YOUR OWN DESIGNED CROP TOP IN SOME MINUTES :) :D :D

So, lets learn it right now (Y) :D (THE BEST WAY TO SPICE UP YOUR OLD CLOTHES ;) )

Things you'll be needing :-

1-> An Old T-Shirt (it could be yours, or of your brother, your dad's....whichever you like)
 (i took my brother's t-shirt)
2-> marker( not a permanent one or else use dark pencil), ruler

4-> Some Beads or ribbons (i used ribbon) (or whatever decorative material you wants to use on your top) (not necessary)

5-> sewing kit

Let's Start

Step 1-> take out the t-shirt and place it on a flat surface, like table. 

Step 2 -> Mark & draw a shape on the shirt the way you want it to be, from a dark pencil.


Step 3 -> take your scissor and cut the t-shirt according to your design. but make sure edges are  cutted accordingly your design.

Step 4 -> after cutting it, and giving it a shape. lets now do some creativity on it. Mark a point on the back of the t-shirt., just on the center of uppper waist. like this,

Step 5 -> After marking the point cut the same point in a small circle. and then by using your hand, take up the t-shirt from downwards towards upwards line wise and take to the circle point which u cutted.

Step 6 -> After that use a ribbon or a cloth and tie it in a roll y using sewing kit. 

Step 7 -> After sewing it. it'll give a loose bow look. now lets move on to neck... just cut it in a deep  oval shape. and streach it to gie it a uneven look.

Step 8 -> After that lets give a different look at the side of t-shirt. just cut it in a v-shape. and use ribbons there as lines back to back by sewing it there. (totally your choice)

Step 9 -> You can cut the fornt bottom of t-shirt in v shape to make a tight knot out of it.

Step 10 -> That's all... your cutest , YOUR OWN MADE "CROP TOP" is ready.. :D  


here are some more patterns that you can create fro your own.

:) :) :)

i hope you liked it... :)  & will soon be uploading my pics wearing some crop top designs... ;) :) 

#AD #FashionFreakDiva

Appreciation, suggestions, queries,etc are most welcomed :) :)

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